
TRINUS - The Affordable All-Metal 3D Printer

Created by Kodama

Made of industrial-grade parts. Transforms into a laser engraver in 60 seconds. Trinus is the professional 3D printer you can afford.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update: Footage from Flextronics
over 8 years ago – Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 11:42:17 PM

Happy Thursday everybody!

These past few days have been crazy busy as we are in the final stages of production. It’s been a long journey and all of your patience will soon be rewarded. We visited Flextronics and are super excited to share some footage with you. 

We were absolutely blown away by Flextronics’ professionalism and high standards. Everybody on the floor had to wear protective coats and shoes. Flextronics even made special tools to ensure the best possible assembly of every Trinus machine. So many extra measures have been taken to ensure each device is the best possible quality, and our team can’t wait for you to get your hands on one so you can start creating. 

The prototype raffle winner and beta-tester will be amazed by all the improvements. That’s all for now! These pictures and videos can do the rest of the talking. 







Get excited,

Team Kodama 

Hardware, software, and communities
over 8 years ago – Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 11:56:23 PM

Hello everyone!

Here’s a quick update about manufacturing, where to get daily video updates, Pango 2’s beta, a secret sect for creative people, and…another slicing software.

Let’s jump right in.

1. Manufacturing

2.75 tons sounds like a lot right? Well, 2.75 tons of filament are now in our warehouse, waiting for someone to quite literally shape their future. Flex has also finished their thorough prototype tests, which is great news: the assembly-line is ready and they will start to assemble your machines later next week.

2. Keep up to date on Instagram stories

We are currently sharing live updates every 24-36hrs via Instagram Stories. If you’re not familiar with Stories, they allow us to share short daily videos that expire after 24 hours. Make sure you don’t miss out on the latest updates! All you need to do is to follow us on Instagram here:


Stories are only available on the mobile app by the way. If you're wondering why we use Stories, and not another channel: these are just daily bites to allow you to peek into our daily progress. They’re too small for an update, but they create a story over time. 

3. Pango 2 (BETA)

You can find our Beta of Pango 2 below. Before you download, here’s what you need to know:

  • As it’s software, we are constantly improving it. Please help us make it a better product for you by sharing your feedback via [email protected] 
  • The German version is not perfect as we translated it off the English script and the translator is not very familiar with 3D printing. Again, feedback from our German speakers would be much appreciated. :-) 
  •  If you’re waiting for the Japanese version don’t worry: it will come in next Pango update.

Here are the main new features included in this new version: 

  • Laser 
  • HBP via software 
  • Nozzle fan adjustable via software


4. Facebook closed group

Ok so…maybe a Facebook group isn’t quite like a secret sect, but we’ve started a secret group where we can all share our creations and support each other to become better makers. We will invite every Trinus owner in the next 1-2 days, and we will include raffle winners and beta tester. You will receive instructions on how to join the community with your Trinus delivery.

In addition, we will also open a support page and forum in the coming weeks, so we can continue the discussions even after Kickstarter. Stay tuned.

5. Simplify3D

We are sending a test unit over to the Simplify3D office next week, so they can create a Trinus profile for us. We love Pango, but some of you told us they have already a Simplify license, so we thought it would be best to make it compatible with our machines.

And…last but not least, we will have our next and last prototype raffle next Monday. If you wish to enter or want to increase your chances to win, follow the entry requirements listed in our last update. (for backers only and deadline is coming Sunday, sep 18, 23:59 PST)

Speak soon!

Team Kodama

The 3D print filament that does good
over 8 years ago – Sun, May 22, 2016 at 11:51:08 PM

Hey Everyone,

We've been very picky with the projects we decided to show you so far, and this cross-promotion is very special to us, as it combines social good, sustainability and…our passion: 3D printing.

Reflow launched a Kickstarter project to fund their sustainably recycled 3D printing filament, which comes from PET plastic waste in Tanzania, with no compromise on quality.

We would love to work together with Reflow as soon as possible: we are just blown away by the idea and the social good that can spin out of it. Though we haven’t received yet test filament to run trough the Trinus, we will get early samples in the next few months, and we are organising a meeting with the Reflow team later this year. (But don’t worry – we won't leave Shanghai until all Trinus have been sent out to you).

These guys need the support of the 3D printing community, and we want to help. Have a look at their campaign, and if it sounds good to you, make your pledge. To thank you for helping a worthy cause, we have created a special package for you: every Trinus backer that supports the campaign with a minimum €25/30, will receive 250g free filament on top of the original 750g reflow roll/spool. This will get you a 1kg roll/spool. Just use promotion code "trinus16". (you will be asked to input the code when you receive their survey [NOT our survey])

CLICK HERE to get to their campaign!

Thanks for reading, and have a day/night full of creativity!

- Team Kodama

* NOTE: we can´t take any responsibility for their campaign success, product quality and delivery time.

And the first backer to become a Beta Tester is…
almost 9 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 10:21:38 PM

Hey everyone,

Here at Kodama, we believe in the "Universal Law of Compensation”: if someone goes the extra mile, they should get rewarded in an equal amount.

This is why we have a lot of fun opportunities for you to get even more involved in the project and keep helping Trinus become a reality.

1. Beta Tester

So our first (and for now only) Beta Tester among our backers is… drummrolls …                   John Sanford! We´re sure some of you guessed that already :)

John has done an amazing job supporting us and the community from day one, so we have approached him directly…the rest is history.

During the next few weeks John will perform several tests on Trinus, and then provide us with feedback so that we can further improve the machine BEFORE we ship. We want to make sure we can manufacture the best machine we can possibly make. What better way to do it that to involve our users? :-)

2. Assembly video #2

After Maker´s Muse, here is the 2nd assembly video made outside Kodama, and we’ve got to say, it’s just great & quite artistic! VERY well done! …thank you John!

3. Two more slots!

If we find the right candidates, we would like to send out another 2 prototypes to test. 

We can only accept testers in the following locations:

A: Japan (1x)


B: Germany, Austria or Switzerland (1x)

If you’re located in one of these countries and would like to be our Beta Tester, send us an email at [email protected]. In the email, tell us a bit more about you, your experience, and why you´re the right person for the assignment. NO joker and/or time waster please.

We are looking for someone with extensive 3D printing skills and experience who’s a good communicator and happy to help us improve Trinus.

We only have two machines available to send out, so we won't be able to make any exceptions. Every other unit is being used internally for development purposes.

4. Help us run the tests smoothly

Remember that John is doing us all a favor by testing the printer before it ships. This helps us improve Trinus before the campaign is over, and allows you to have a state-of-the-art machine as quickly as possible. Please do not flood him with messages.

Bear in mind that these are beta machines created in the pre-production phase. Some of the features are missing, still work in progress, or have not been fully tested. We are not trying to showcase our machines but to get feedback. The final model will be quite different and see several improvements.

Thank you again for your support!

Stay tuned, as we’ll have more news coming tomorrow.

Team Kodama

Over 1000 backers. Over 1000% stronger. We're blown away by your support so here's a thank you and more...
almost 9 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 10:08:18 PM

Dear Backers,

We've been absolutely blown away by the support we've had from those who've pledged and we can never thank you enough for all the help you’ve given us.

That being said, we do hope some of our updates below put a smile on your face.

Again, this time around we've got three new things to tell you all about:

1. Kaizen: Continuous improvement.

We aim to continuously improve Trinus, delivering the best machine we can possibly build. Kaizen helps us to enhance our development process on this journey. As a part of Lean and Six Sigma, Kaizen has become a testament to our dedication to improve our product.

On that note, the last few weeks have been packed with enhancement testing and we're thrilled to share the outcome with you.

The results have been extremely positive; by installing ball bearings on our machines, the swing has been reduced, making your Trinus even more precise. 

So with this insight, we're proud to say that we’ll be installing ball bearings by default onto all 4 axis for every single Trinus! 

2. Prints. 

Below are some tiny ~8mm print examples. We'll have more to follow during our campaign journey, including macro shots that really examine the surface of our prints, and of course - more videos!

From left to right; 150, 100, 50 microns
From left to right; 150, 100, 50 microns

3. Thunderclap.

If you haven't already done so, please go ahead and support us on Thunderclap (we have only a few days remaining).

We're dedicated to continuous improvement; to making the best possible machine we can offer. But we couldn't do that without your help - thank you so much for your support and for making Trinus a reality.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Team Kodama